Giraffe People
Armor Class: 7[12]
Hit Dice: 2
Attacks: Weapon (1d6)
Saving Throw: 13
Special: Innate abilities of Know Weather, Locate Animals, Locate Plants, and Speak with Animals (per the 1st and 2nd level Druid spells found in Supplemental Lore)
Challenge Level / XP: 2 / 30
Gentle, peace loving folk, the giraffe people’s origins are unclear, although they themselves claim that the more commonly known giraffes are actually a magically created devolution of their own kind.
They live in heavily forested areas and are druidical in faith. They speak their own tongue, but will also know the common language.
Their long necks give their opponents a +1 to hit/damage bonus with melee weapons, and they refuse to wear any metal armor. They favor the staff and spear as weapons.
*Giraffe photo component by Vanessa Pike-Russell
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Update: Telecanter posted a great giraffe person hybrid I should really convert to a mini somtime...
The fact that my picture reminds me of this makes me just a little :_(
She adores giraffes and has pointed out to me that they have the largest hearts in the animal kingdom...
Blue whale sez *ahem* ;)
Land animal?
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