I’d love to have my pseudo-cross bearing cleric on the table across from this guy... That’s a pretty loud “In your face, Jack Chick rabble!”
this area of the forest, becoming progressively
wilder and crazier and more dangerous.
– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
I believe Center Stage minis has an entire line of under $2 minis coming out this year. A lot of them are from old classic molds by 70s and 80s lead miniature makers.
I saw that on the S&W forums a while back. They do have a 25mm barbarian for sale now that looks pretty decent too.
Maybe it's a Cross of St. Peter meant to symbolize the humility of St. Peter and his refusal to be crucified in the same manner as Christ?
But then again, paint the guy all black and red and it's Slayeriffic!
Either way, those are great minis. :)
Best. Cleric. Mini. Ever!
Holy crap,I had both of those minis when I was a kid.
Isn't that one from megaminis?
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