Update: I changed the header font and title, and added trademark information (not reflected in thumbnail image here).
I'm using these as 4"x6" cards, I just scale to 120-122% during printing. There's some wasted space at the top and bottom, but they're much more readable and at the moment I can't be bothered with re-doing the whole layout for a true 4x6 card.
I don't want to sound like a huge critic, but, the S&W character sheet looks a bit like something that could be done with a Sharpie and the Labyrinth Lord graphic is a bit murky. Sorry, trying to be helpful.
Yeah, the S&W does look that way, it's the poor choice of font I guess. It needs a complete do-over. The font in the LL sheet that's murky is Outlaw, it's the closest free font I could find to the old Quentin EF font (costs about $30 I think) found on the early box sets of D&D. Might be even murkier given that the other font used is the easy to read Calibri. I appreciate the feedback!
Have you tried these: http://www.geocities.com/rgfdfaq/tsrfonts.html
I'm familiar with that page - if you follow the links there to the fonts used in the early editions, they are not free.
Undaunted, I offer:
While not that accurate, some are close.
Hey, thanks for the link! I bookmarked it for possible future use, but I didn't see anything there that looked like what I'm aiming for...Maybe I should just shoot D.P. a PM on the Goblinoid Games forums to see what font Labyrinth Lord uses for the main title on the cover and site...I could just go in with GIMP and wash out the insides of the letters a bit, but not sure if I want to take that much time, esp. since I need to re-do that S&W sheet.
No problem at all. PMing Dan is probably the best solution, you could also PM Mythmere at the S&W forum, I have seen the names of both fonts somewhere, probably on their respective messageboards.
I re-did these with the title of "Character Cards" since I will probably end up using them for NPC cards if I get around to making 4x6's. File name stayed the same though.
This probably needs the Outlaw font installed to display properly on your computer.
Fixed the missing "alignment" bit.
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