My next DM-beer-conversion music. If you enjoyed that and haven't yet seen the videos below, high hilarity coming your way...
Paper books are better than digital: Five reasons why
55 minutes ago
this area of the forest, becoming progressively
wilder and crazier and more dangerous.
– Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry
Now that brings back memories. I have fond memories of blasting "Compact Disk" and seeing Johnny Rotten mock New Order during their tour with the them and the Sugar Cubes.
Nice - as a big Joy / N.O. and PiL fan, I would have paid good money to have seen that. I asked my wife if she can remember any amusing details from the one PiL show she saw when she was 15 or 16 and she can't remember a thing. Not terribly surprising really.
It's all gone horribly, horribly wrong in recent years though.
I present John Lydon, butter salesman:
All rock stars should die young. :(
Really good videos!
Nothing's "gone wrong" with Lydon - he never had anything to say, he just said it so loud that many people thought that the loudness was the point. Now he's old and hasn't the energy to shout his essential worthlessness is laid even more bare.
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