Lantern Naga: HD 7; AC 4 [15]; Atk 1-2 (Bite d1-3 + Special); Move 12; Save 8; CL/XP 9/1300; Special: Constriction Attack - The creature will attempt to coil around and constrict its victim under cover of darkness. Suffocation and death occurs after CON/2 (rounded up) rounds, saving throw allowed. Magic user spells: Darkness, an additional first level spell, and one second level spell.
Notes on its tail - The naga can “turn off” the light. When illuminated, it provides 30’ of directed light which is always kept facing away from the rest of its body. The tail detects motion, even missile attacks, and should be treated as having an AC of 0 [19] if targeted directly. If severed from the main body, it will always light up, and the illumination it provides will counteract a Darkness spell; it will continue to glow for one full week.
Rest in peace, Howard Andrew Jones
4 hours ago
I'll definitely be pilfering this one! I've been considering how to modify naga for inclusion in a dungeon I'm working on, and this is perfect.
Totally snagged!
Would like to encounter this one day!
Ok, that is damn cool. I love the lantern-lure bit.
Thanks - I've been meaning to write this thing up forever.
I think a variant of this naga wherein the lantern exerts some kind of hypnosis effect (like an angler fish or such like) would be very very nasty.
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