I'm still plodding away at these. All that's left is the Shrine of Evil Chaos, which is a bit larger and will probably have to take up one whole side of an index card. I've left out secret doors on all of these, and the missing secret door in the Gnoll Lair (area #50 leading to #63 in the Shrine area)
is truly missed here. The idea of a previous adventurer, a thief, being found just inside the doorway in obvious hasty retreat is a nice touch, as would be finding his elven boots. In fact, all the secret doors missing in these dissections are missed to an extent - being able to run away from a group of monsters directly into the lair of another is just cool. I'm still glad to have chopped them up like this though. Our sessions are so short that it feels like they'll mesh well, and having them handy is a nice insurance policy against the party veering off at the last second from where I'd expected them to travel. As usual, click the image above to download or for a closer look.
Very very cool. I like that a lot.
Thanks Loquacious, maybe I should sketch up a little index card asylum for your game? ;)
...I know it's been awhile, but did you ever get to the Shrine of Evil Chaos?
@James: I started it but I don't think I finished - I need to take care of that. I'll comment here again when I do.
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