I converted some of the designs at
Roles, Rules, and Rolls into GIMP brushes - I didn't have any stairs brushes yet and I especially like Roger's spiral staircases. If you like them, there's a host of other designs in his
original Powerpoint file that you might useful too. You can download the GIMP brushes in a zip file
here. CC license. Thanks again Roger!
Awesome! Thanks! I do have GIMP but have preferred the object oriented stuff for a while. This might be good if I ever want to put up a "polished, professional product"...
Many, many thanks for the download!
Re, your poll:
I'm voting what seems closest, which is "Been playing early editions of D&D" and "Only got back into D&D in the last few years" - those are both true, more or less, but I didn't ever really stop playing completely, it's just that other stuff happened. I probably got in, say, a game every year or two, but just in the past couple of weeks started playing regularly again.
Hey, old school is to cut and paste, then resize the layers, then adjust the colors, then . . . ;) thanks!
very nice... thank you for these. I haven't used the GIMP in a while, but it is a great program :)
Thank you! Now I have to remember where to install them... :) LOL!
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